Govinda’s daughter Narmmadaa Ahuja walked the ramp at the final day of Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week in New Delhi on Sunday because the showstopper for designer Reynu Tandon. Narmada exuded confidence and style attired in a black short sequined dress.
Later she was joined in by the designer and her father who completed 25 years in Bollywood in this day itself. Govnida has lost 16 kgs and looked charming as ever in a black suit and golden tie. “It was lovely sharing the ramp with Narmmadaa. I'M also an admirer of Tandon’s designs and that i think she is the person who converts an individual into personality,” Govinda said.
Tandon’s collection was titled ‘Sensuously Yours’ and was inspired by the disco look of 1980s.
“Her collection is simply amazing, chic and stylish and i'm looking ahead to buy some stuff from her,” said Narmmadaa in praise of the designer.