By Hindustan Times
In January, I had the privilege of joining the Greenpeace team for a visit to Singrauli. After a two-hour flight, nine-hour drive, and an overnight stay in a shady motel, we finally arrived at our destination. At 8am, I USED TO BE on a hot air balloon floating over the Mahan forest within the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, chatting with a TV channel that was covering us live. Why? For the reason that coal industry is lobbying to chop down the forest for coal-mining.
Mining have been within the news lately and for good reason. The trip was a lot more eventful and eye-opening than I had expected. From avoiding a scuffle with some local goons to being threatened by a “Naxal attack”. From looking to play peacemaker between villagers and corporate officials, to ironically encouraging the locals to maintain a relaxed protest alive and never taking place the “Naxal” route!
I’m undecided how much awareness I USED TO BE in a position to raise about Singrauli. The oldsters at Greenpeace were very happy, they said that my presence there had brought the media and so no less than it was within the news.
But I HAVE NOT felt the concern and presence of giant" Brother" watching us ever before that. I COULDN'T stop contemplating movies corresponding to Brazil and Avatar or even 1984. All those doomsday scenarios, evil corporations, corrupt officials and tortured innocents portrayed in those films were right there in front of me. For real! It wasn’t within the future, or on another planet, and even another country. It was in my very own backyard and that i was far removed and ignorant about it.
They say ignorance is bliss. It's true. I'VE lost my bliss. I'M a filmmaker not an activist. But when I'M expected to face like a patriot when the National Anthem is played within the cinemas before the beginning of a show, then am I not, as a patriot, expected to fight for the rights of these robbed in their livelihood, and even killed, within the name of progress? Oh yes I forgot, they don’t serve popcorn before a protest march. Maybe the speculation is to be pleased with the rustic for showing or making the film you might be about to look. Or for making multiplexes tax free!