Well, it were said quite sometime back but it surely still holds true in our tinsel town – “Only SEX and SRK sell in Bollywood”. So when Vikram Bhatt made his thriller ‘Hate Story’ featuring Nikhil Diwedi and Bengali starlet Paoli Dam only to seek out it difficult to search out buyers for his project, he resorted to the tried and tested formula of a revealing and shocking poster to generate curiosity and draw attention to the project.
Once the primary look poster of the film with Paoli revealing her bare back was released, the film fetched over Rs 10 crore for all India theatrical rights. Distributor Ajay Bagbai of Rajvi Entertainment Pvt Ltd has acquired the India theatrical rights for this Bhatt production. Let alone here that director Agnihotri is all smiles due to the response. He says, “Within eight to ten hours, we got 22 lakh views on one site alone. Besides, it has generated numerous curiosity within the interiors and small towns too. Vikram has written the script. Or even while discussing the poster, he came up with this idea.”
The movie is an erotic thriller story of a girl, her love and the Revenge she takes for being betrayed. It's been made under the banner of BVG Films, music was given by Harshit Saxena and cinematography have been done by Attar Singh Saini.