That Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan’s daughter Alia is making her debut with Karan Johar’s ‘Student of the Year’ is an old one. What few people know is the truth that Alia had first been offered a movie by Abhinav Kashyap but Karan Johar’s flick first went on floors.
In this flick, Alia will, in all probability, be paired opposite Ranbir Kapoor. Alia is also quite young in comparison to Ranbir but her fresh and innocent looks match Ranbir’s persona just perfectly. Ranbir may be seen in a completely new avatar within the film. His character is that of an uncouth youth from Bihar who turns a tapori in Mumbai.
Meanwhile Alia has already started the shoot for ‘Student of the Year’ in Singapore and if things figure out fine, she may well be seen alongside Ranbir Kapoor in her next.