The new parents Raj Kundra and Shilpa Shetty were beaming with joy as they posed for the cameras once they came out with their three-day old baby boy from Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai on Friday to take him home. However, the media couldn't be able to capture a dead ringer for the brand new born who was cosily wrapped in a soft white sheet lying cradled in Raj’s hands. Shilpa looked as charming as ever with an added glow of motherhood as she waved on the photographers attired in a buttoned-down blue and black coloured tunic with leggings and with a bag slung over her shoulders. Raj wore a blue shirt with denims.
The baby is yet to get its name as Shilpa’s mother, Sunanda Shetty, who has in-depth knowledge of astrology will choose the primary alphabet of the baby’s name. Thereafter, both Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra will decide the name.