Priyanka Chopra turned 30 at the 18th of this month but her birthday bash was a quiet one sans media and shutterbugs. However, our desi girl did celebrate it along with her close pals or so is obvious as her buddy, Mubina Rattonsey, posted this pic on Twitter from the grand party. She wrote:
“My birthday moment with the “Real” thing… hahahahahaha! @priyankachopra love you loads!!”
Bollywood went abuzz with birthday wishes for the beautiful actress. A few of he wishes from the Bollywood fraternity were:
Bipasha Basu @bipsluvurself
Happy Birthday @priyankachopra !Have a perfect birthday!May all ur wishes come true!Beautiful place to celebrate ur bday!Lucky Girl!Love!
yashrajfilms @yrfmovies
Happy Birthday Priyanka Chopra … You’re the explanation we believe that Pyaar is indeed Possible! What say guys?
Madhur Bhandarkar @mbhandarkar268
@priyankachopra For your special day, I wish you all that you simply desire. May God bless you with love &care. Happy Birthday.
Rohan Sippy @rohansippy
@priyankachopra happy birthday piggy chops- have an excellent one:)
shrishti arya @shrishtiarya
Happy birthday @priyankachopra ! Wish you all of the music, drama and fulfilment that your heart could ever desire… After which some