Former Miss India Sarah Jane Dias Is making her Bollywood debut with the adult comedy ‘Kya Super Kool Hain Hum’. The actress is seen super excited and entire of energy in the course of the promotional events for the flick. However, one such promotional event at Faridabad in New Delhi turned out to be a nightmare for the newbie as she was struck by a stone on her face by one of the most on lookers.
Incidentally, Sarah was on stage with co-stars Riteish Deshmukh, Tusshar Kapoor and Neha Sharma on the promotional event in Crown Interiorz Mall when a bunch of men flung a sharp, pointed stone on the stars which hit Sarah’s face. Sarah immediately left the stage and the injury caused a swelling on her face. Both Sarah and Neha cancelled their performance because of this unfortunate turn of events.
A disappointed Riteish addressed on stage saying, “This roughly behavior from the gang was not expected. We're extremely disappointed.”
Later Sarah expressed her anger and frustration through her Twitter account where she wrote:
“A stone was thrown at me on stage in Faridabad, it hit and hurt my lip, for the primary time in my life, I’m truly ashamed of our people.”
“It’s deeply disheartening to need to say horrible things about my country… but this was uncouth and had it has been someone ‘more important’ it will not have gone down well,” she added.
All we're looking forward to is the movie to hit the screens. AN EXCELLENT box office collection would probably be the most productive answer to such nuisance…..