Bollywood celebs went hopping from one party to a different as Amitabh Bachchan, Shilpa Shetty, Ekta Kapoor and Ameesha Patel hosted them for his or her friends and well-wishers. On Tuesday night, Bachchan household celebrated Aaradhya’s first Diwali in a grand manner with all the Bollywood clan turning as much as convey their greetings to the family. The similar night, Shilpa Shetty and hubby Raj Kundra, too, played hosts at their home. Ameesha Patel also invited her friends over at her place for a round of taash and a few festivities.
Wednesday saw another round of celebrations, when Ekta Kapoor, with her brother Tusshar and her parents Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor, threw a lavish party for her guests from film and tv industry.
Kangana Ranaut, Sunny Leone with husband Daniel Weber, Imran Khan along with his wife, Ameesha Patel, Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, Mandira Bedi, Tusshar Kapoor and Kritika Kamra were spotted on the party.
This Diwali bash was certainly a memorable experience for Sunny Leone! She wrote on Twitter: “I learned so much on this last trip about India, Diwali, the Bollywood industry and the folk. Sad to depart more this trip then any other.”