Deepika Padukone is using her private space on Twitter to advertise Race 2 and to launch fist look of cast of the movie. With 2.5 million twitter followers, Deepika is using her digital popularity to launch the primary look of all of the actors featuring within the film including her own poster.
Apart from her first look, Deepika also unveiled the primary look of Saif Ali Khan, John Abraham and Jacqueline. The look of all of the actors assures that the movie goes to be pretty high at the glam quotient.
Jacqueline looks quite stylish and spunky in her new haircut in Race 2 which bears close resemblance to Angelina Jolie’s chic hair cut within the movie Salt. Till now Jacqueline has not been seen in fringes in any of her films. This Sri Lankan beauty can be seen sporting leather jeggings, and sleeveless to bra tops within the film.
Giving Jacqueline and Deepika close competition is Ameesha Patel at the first look poster. The lady has worked pretty hard on her body and appears superbly glamorous with knotted top and sexy sunglasses.
The film can have the women doing hi-octane stunts within the film. As for Deepika Padukone, who's being claimed because the ‘Indian Bond Girl’ after the film, director Abbas states, ”Deepika will easily be one of the vital hottest action babes in Bollywood”
Produced by Tips, the action thriller RACE 2, starring Saif Ali Khan, John Abraham, Deepika Padukone, Jacqueline Fernandez, Anil Kapoor and Ameesha Patel is scheduled to release 25th January, 2013.