‘Kolaveri Di’ star Dhanush is about for his Bollywood debut with director Aanand L Rai’s ‘Raanjhnaa’ where he was paired opposite our industry’s style diva Sonam Kapoor. Aaanand has already given our industry a success with ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ starring Kangana Ranaut and Madhavan.
Sonam Kapoor plays the role of a middle-class girl studying in Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Dhanush plays a Brahmin boy from Varanasi.
Both the actors have worked hard to organize for his or her characters. While Sonam took part in street plays which gave her a deeper investigate JNU’s culture of political awareness and social activism, Dhanush took lessons in Hindi to eliminate his Southern accent.
Check out the primary look of the film……..