Madhuri Dixit took a while off from Bollywood to concentrate on her marriage and upbringing of her kids. Now, the actress is back to India and is currently focussing on her role as a judge for Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5. Nevertheless, Madhuri has other plans too. The pretty lady is planning to venture into production and has already bought a 3,000 square foot office space within the building near Infiniti Mall called Maurya Landmark. Many of the space is earmarked for the office, work on which has started, and is anticipated to be complete within six to seven months.
She is in talks with several directors and intends on starting the shooting schedule of her first production venture early next year. Doctor Sriram Nene is all with Madhuri on this venture and the couple will soon decide the name for his or her production house.
With this, Madhuri becomes one more actress to show producer after Ameesha Patel, Dia Mirza, Lara Dutta and Preity Zinta.